Protect a unique brand, globally
To secure an international footprint, Fitbeat wants to register its trademark in over 90% of the world’s economies. This involves complexities such as using the Madrid Protocol to achieve economies of scale, working with foreign attorneys, negotiating with foreign trademark owners, and dealings with various registrars. Fitbeat’s CEO recognised the complexities, and opted to use our services from the get-go.
Worldwide assistance, locally
Our multi-faceted team of trademark lawyers has assisted Fitbeat with all of their global trademark applications, and we continue to closely manage their portfolio today. We also assist Fitbeat with trademark strategy, foreign negotiations, management of potential conflicts of interest, foreign trademark acquisitions, and various other trademark-related matters.
Massive time-savings and positive outcomes
As Fitbeat expands overseas, it will do so knowing its brand has the additional protection of a trademark. With our lawyers’ help, Fitbeat has accelerated its global trade mark footprint, including identifying and purchasing competing trademarks. The company has saved a wealth of time, allowing it to focus on its core priority: growing the business.